Criminal tax law and voluntary disclosure

Nothing is as reliable as death and taxes. Experience has shown that it is terribly difficult to evade one of them. All the more tempting is the attempt to try to evade the other. However, prominent cases show that the state can be a stubborn opponent and that the penalties can be very.

If you discover that taxes may have been evaded, we will work with you and tax advisors from our network to determine whether it is possible and necessary to file a voluntary disclosure in order to avoid prosecution.

In the event of a criminal trial, we will defend you in matters of criminal tax law using all the tricks in the book. In these cases, Maximilian Kohlhof uses his experience from working in a national tax law firm with great commitment to you.



  • Ingo Bott: Corporate representation as defense counsel of a private bank in connection with allegations of tax evasion
  • Ingo Bott: Several assistance services for witnesses of a DAX group in connection with a main hearing in the matter of a so-called international sales tax carousel
  • Ingo Bott/Maximilian Kohlhof: Defense in a scope case on suspicion of tax evasion



  • Ingo Bott: Impunidad después de una autodenuncia en el Sistema del Derecho Penal Tributario – Privilegio injusto o excepción injustificada?, Universidad Sergio Arboleda, Bogotá, Kolumbien, 16.11.2017
  • Ingo Bott: Voluntary self-disclosure of tax evasion, Council of Europe Representation, Bucharest, Romania, 17.02.2017
  • Ingo Bott: „Der Fall Hoeneß und seine Lehren“, Information Event “Bitte Recht einfach …” of the Law Firms Wessing & Partner and Bufete Hispano-Alemán, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 04.10.2013